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"Orange Entertainment, such as a mass popular Tetris game. You will enjoy it!"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Orange Fun is a massive popular games such as Tetris. Blocks, 4 blocks each, the screen is formed Falling Down, and one that will fit them under the direct and has so Wall. When a row of the blocks if there are no gaps, complete and disappears.

Orange Fun features nice graphics and music. Will definitely enjoy is playing!

Line 4 at the same time, the number may be completed at least one block starting line up is required. This is just "me" block can be achieved by: making it a "Tetris".

Game Master in order, a full set just before sliding technique, known as very valuable as well as both rotation buttons, when using.

Why download?

* Simple. Games can be played with only three buttons!
* Deep strategy. Board state interests complexity: display issues on every block.
* Demonstration sports. Tetris is fun to watch. For a minute or two by watching how you can learn to play.
* Constructor. Tetris on the building, but no.
* Rhythm. Tetris, and lines of clear positioning of the slow and fast rhythm rhythm part that has fallen - it runs on all time scales.
* Small Download Size. About the game ~ 2 megabytes. Slow dial-up connection can download the game, even people in 10 minutes!
* Price. License costs only $ 12.95.
* Very, very low system requirements. DirectX 7 installed on Windows-based PC system is required. And let me assure you, your computer must be installed. Orange Fun 1.0 can now download free.

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